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Welcome to Deman

Deman is a management Consulting Firm. We partner with our clients in business HR and Strategy sectors, identifying their highest-value opportunities addressing their most crucial challenges providing exceptional high value project and mobilizing their organizations...readmore

Solutions for your Company

Leadership & Management Development 
“Leadership is in the eyes of other people; it is they who proclaim you as a leader”  Carrie Gilstrap...readmore

Organizational Effectiveness
Organizational Effectiveness is the concept of how effective organization  is in achieving the outcomes organization intends to produce...readmore

Performance Improvement

Improving business performance is a systematic process -we are  implementing-  of articulating an organization goal,
relating these goals to the performance of people, uncovering the reasons for performance gaps, implementing solutions,
managing change and evaluating the direct and indirect results...readmore

Organizations seek to guide, motivate and empower people to achieve their greatest results. In our company we approach assessment using criteria against a set of standards...readmore